Water, Life Depends On It

Firmbase Water Membrane Technology

Water, Life depends on it. Whether it is life, environmental, or economic sustainability, managing water resources is one of the biggest challenges to access clean water and sanitation.

FIRMBASE’s Super Hydrophilic Polymeric Membrane Technology delivers:

  1. the potential to reduce oily wastewater pre-treatment footprint prior to any membrane system as the membrane from the technology is able to withstand oil and grease level (TOG) > 120mg/L, and is able to remove up to 40% of the oil and grease and 99% of suspended solid in the waste water.
  2. a ‘plug and play’ membrane as the membrane technology is also designed to allow direct replacement of existing hollow-fibre ultrafiltration membrane modules as the membrane fibres from the technology have been tested with membrane fibres of average pore sizes of 30nm-40nm, membrane OD of 1.09-1.35mm, membrane ID of 0.65-0.89mm, and tensile stress of 1.7-2.6Mpa.
  3. an efficient clean water throughput of 80 to 250LMH/bar for oily waste water
    TOG level at 120mg/L to secondary effluent municipal waste treatment plant water.

Besides the oil-water membrane technology, FIRMBASE has a proprietary polymer to improve the hydrophilicity of PVDF ultrafiltration membranes to increase the membrane pure water throughput, lower the energy usage in operations, and lengthen the operations uptime. Unlike existing hydrophilic additives such as PVP and PEG, the proprietary polymer does not leach out from the membrane.